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How to get Cane Sugar in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

A recurring item in The Legend of Zelda series, Cane Sugar has once again found its way to Tears of the Kingdom. Similar to the previous Zelda installments, Cane Sugar is a material mainly used for the purpose of cooking. This ingredient can be employed in various recipes, including Apple Pie, Egg Pudding, and Carrot Cake.

By combining Cane Sugar with other ingredients in a Cooking Pot, you can create cooked dishes in the game. This process unlocks additional buffs and enhances the health recovery provided by the ingredients used. The buffs and status effects present in the cooked food are determined by the type and quantity of ingredients incorporated into the recipe.

Cane Sugar can also be fused with either a weapon, arrow, or shield. It's important to note that not all items can be fused with all three types of weapons. Therefore, experimentation becomes crucial in order to determine which combinations are viable and what specific effects they bestow.

As staple and useful as it is, finding Cane Sugar is easy if you know where to look. Here is a guide on obtaining one of the most basic cooking materials in the game.

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom guide: Where and how to obtain Cane Sugar

Tears of the Kingdom - Apple Pie (Image via Nintendo)

Cane Sugar can be directly purchased from shops. In Rito Village, you can find Slipper Falcon selling it for 12 Rupees. You can also buy it at Goron City General Store for the same price.

You can find the Goron City general store situated in the Eldin Canyon region, which is located west of Death Mountain Chasm. On the other hand, Slippery Falcon in Rito Village can be found on an island in Lake Totori within the Tabantha Frontier region. At the Slippery Falcon, you also have the opportunity to purchase other items such as Tabantha Wheat, Goat Butter, and Sunshrooms.

As per the item description, Cane Sugar is boiled alongside other ingredients to extract the sweet juice required for creating cakes and various other confections. Here are some of the recipes you can create with Cane Sugar, along with their effects:

  • Apple Pie (HP Recovery)
  • Carrot Cake (HP Recovery)
  • Egg Pudding (HP Recovery)
  • Egg Tart (HP Recovery)
  • Fried Bananas (Temporary Attack Boost)
  • Fruit Cake (HP Recovery)
  • Fruit Pie (HP Recovery)
  • Energizing Honey Crepe (HP Recovery/Stamina Recovery)
  • Nutcake (HP Recovery)
  • Plain Crepe (HP Recovery)
  • Pumpkin Pie (HP Recovery/Defense Boost)
  • Wildberry Crepe (HP Recovery)
  • Monster Cake (HP Recovery)
  • Energizing Apple Pie (Stamina Recovery)
  • Cheesecake (HP Recovery)
  • Dark Cake (HP Recovery)

That is all for our Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Cane Sugar guide. As cooking is undoubtedly one of the most important skills in the game, always remember to stock up on this basic cooking ingredient.

The cooking system in Tears of the Kingdom is highly advantageous as it provides numerous stat enhancements. By utilizing these boosts, you can temporarily increase your health, stamina, and other attributes. Cane Sugar-based meals prove to be particularly valuable when facing strong opponents like the Phantom Ganon.

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